Недельные награды за неделю 09, Feb 27 2023 - Mar 05 2023
Player Action Awards
cHrIs has the highest skill with 3321.98
Player with the highest skill
kolobok5447 {bruners} has killed the most players (189)
Player with the most kills (any team)
kolobok5447 {bruners} has commited suicide the most (27)
Players with nothing to live for
gs-m -> half-life has been online the longest (03:01:49)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (22)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (15)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (62)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (10)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (5)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (28)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
FalseNoise has the most FalseNoise kills (2)
Most kills with a FalseNoise
FalseNoise has the most FalseNoise kills (1)
Most kills with a FalseNoise
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (13)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (4)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (1)
Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}
Houq has the most kills (3)
Most kills with a Ethereal
gs-m > half-life has the most gs-m > half-life kills (1)
Most kills with a gs-m > half-life
gs-m -> half-life has the most gs-m -> half-life kills (2)
Most kills with a gs-m -> half-life