Недельные награды за неделю 16, Apr 17-23 2023
Player Action Awards
cHrIs has the highest skill with 5798.02
Player with the highest skill
cHrIs has killed the most players (3,201)
Player with the most kills (any team)
Sosiska2007 has commited suicide the most (18)
Players with nothing to live for
Player has been online the longest (02:43:35)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP has the most PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP kills (12)
Most kills with a PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP
moonstar has the most kills (2)
Most kills with a Ethereal
vasya_pupkin has the most vasya_pupkin kills (3)
Most kills with a vasya_pupkin
PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP has the most PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP kills (3)
Most kills with a PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP
WeMaximPeddw has the most WeMaximPeddw kills (8)
Most kills with a WeMaximPeddw
(1)[RU] Player has the most (1)[RU] Player kills (13)
Most kills with a (1)[RU] Player
(1)[RU] Player has the most (1)[RU] Player kills (1)
Most kills with a (1)[RU] Player
PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP has the most PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP kills (2)
Most kills with a PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP
PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP has the most PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP kills (2)
Most kills with a PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP
WeMaximPeddw has the most WeMaximPeddw kills (5)
Most kills with a WeMaximPeddw
PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP has the most PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP kills (1)
Most kills with a PRoJeKt.HP.BHoP
WeMaximPeddw has the most WeMaximPeddw kills (1)
Most kills with a WeMaximPeddw
WeMaximPeddw has the most WeMaximPeddw kills (19)
Most kills with a WeMaximPeddw