Недельные награды за неделю 50, Dec 12-18 2022
Player Action Awards
syr1ken has the highest skill with 4980.94
Player with the highest skill
HEKOKEP has killed the most players (52)
Player with the most kills (any team)
Ded_Baraded has commited suicide the most (26)
Players with nothing to live for
[PNP]Can_I_be_on_your_Team? has been online the longest (01:57:14)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
daun21337228 has the most daun21337228 kills (1)
Most kills with a daun21337228
Ded_Baraded has the most Ded_Baraded kills (7)
Most kills with a Ded_Baraded
gs-m -> half-life has the most gs-m -> half-life kills (2)
Most kills with a gs-m -> half-life
Ded_Baraded has the most Ded_Baraded kills (8)
Most kills with a Ded_Baraded
Gag has the most kills (2)
Most kills with a Ethereal
Ded_Baraded has the most Ded_Baraded kills (3)
Most kills with a Ded_Baraded
<WHS|.G.M.A.N.> has the most <WHS|.G.M.A.N.> kills (1)
Most kills with a ^8<^1W^8H^1S|.G.^8M^1.A.N.^8>
Ded_Baraded has the most Ded_Baraded kills (1)
Most kills with a Ded_Baraded