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Награды игроков


Неделя (Вид)
 March 2023 

Недельные награды за неделю 10, Mar 6-12 2023

Player Action Awards

cHrIs has the highest skill with 3321.98

Player with the highest skill

PRoJeKTHP has killed the most players (302)

Player with the most kills (any team)

PRoJeKTHP has commited suicide the most (124)

Players with nothing to live for

<Warrior> Player has killed the most teammates (3)

Player with the most friendly fire kills (ie: Worst Teammate)

<Warrior> Player has the highest team kill percentage (14.29%)

Player with the highest team kill percentage.

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has been online the longest (06:58:49)

Player with the most online time

Individual Weapon Awards

Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (14)

Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (24)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (29)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (9)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (9)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (18)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (28)

Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}

FN001 has the most FN001 kills (32)

Most kills with a FN001

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (2)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (113)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} has the most Half-Life.png kolobok5447 {bruners} kills (3)

Most kills with a kolobok5447 {bruners}

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has the most env_laser kills (10)

Most kills with a env_laser

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (9)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has the most уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 kills (3)

Most kills with a уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has the most уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 kills (3)

Most kills with a уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8

ХУЙЛИЩЕ has the most ХУЙЛИЩЕ kills (5)

Most kills with a ХУЙЛИЩЕ

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (5)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

AziChel Wemape has the most AziChel Wemape kills (20)

Most kills with a AziChel Wemape

Houq has the most Houq kills (3)

Most kills with a Houq

IPR88 has the most IPR88 kills (1)

Most kills with a IPR88

dolboebbbbbb has the most Ethereal kills (2)

Most kills with a Ethereal

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (8)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

PeYrFhLHP has the most PeYrFhLHP kills (23)

Most kills with a PeYrFhLHP

AziChel Wemape has the most AziChel Wemape kills (51)

Most kills with a AziChel Wemape

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has the most уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 kills (5)

Most kills with a уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (3)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

PRoJeKTHP.BHop has the most PRoJeKTHP.BHop kills (2)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP.BHop

уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 has the most уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8 kills (14)

Most kills with a уцiPlayerРАША74484н4п8

PRoJeKTHP has the most PRoJeKTHP kills (11)

Most kills with a PRoJeKTHP

Houq has the most Houq kills (1)

Most kills with a Houq

уцiPlayerРАША74484н has the most уцiPlayerРАША74484н kills (2)

Most kills with a уцiPlayerРАША74484н